DreamSmart Group Whistleblowing System / Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing System

Reports We Accept

Reports on illegal or non-compliant activities that violate laws or the DreamSmart Group's policies, causing damage or potential risk the Group, concerning current or former employees, outsourced personnel, or business partners related to the Group such as suppliers, dealers, channel partners, distributors, customers, and bidders.

If you have any queries or complaints regarding the services and products of DreamSmart Group, please feedback through the official customer service channel. (contact us).

Reported Information

0 / 50
0 / 100
0 / 5000
Upload attachments

Max 6 attachments, <20MB each

We accept file formats including jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, zip, rar.

Whistleblower Information

We will keep the whistleblower and the reported content strict confidential.
0 / 50
Phone number
0 / 11
Click to complete the verification
Before submitting a whistleblowing report, please carefully read the Declaration on Whistleblowing System and Privacy. By clicking the submit button, you indicate your consent for your personal information to be used for verifying and processing your report.